
Same People Who Locked Granny Up Cry About Deportation

I don't want to hear it. How many lost a loved one while they were locked in an assisted living center?

Never forget what the Democrats did to our seniors.

The same people that are having a hissy fit because Trump is going to deport illegal immigrants. I don't want to hear it.

My mother-in-law died alone in an independent assisted living center after an extended period of isolation because of Covid-19. She died of a lonely heart. Her health was good but was struggling with early onset demetia. She would play cards everyday with the family until her long-term care independent living facility locked her up like a prisoner during Covid-19.

She died alone without anyone at her side as she deteriorated. Grandchildren see grandma cry for the first time in their life after grandma was isolated for months unable to receive visitors.

The same people that are having a hissy fit because Trump is going to deport illegal immigrants. I don't want to hear it. Period.