
More great news. Another State Supreme Court Ruling.

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More news to come on another state Supreme Court win folks. Stay tuned.

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It’s great to see the interest in this article and all the restacks. Thank you for all the support. Until next time, have a blessed evening.

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@RebeccaCharles and @OurAmazingGrace need to know about this very important development! And this was in Nassau County!

Poor woman, poor woman.

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Evil hospital protocols were killing people!

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May 18·edited May 18

They're murderers because they are God-less. So many people sold their souls. What a crowded place hell will be.

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You give such a picturesque and chilling visual... and I can hear the gnashing of teeth.

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These people that serve satan clearly have never read the Bible. Not only do they think there is no penalty they also don't realize he will torture them for eternity. I liken it to our politicians thst serve xi, etc. They think they will garner favor in the new deviant world they're helping to usher in. He would lop their heads off in the center of town for all the world to see. People like newsome showed rheir allegiance, and alliance when he cleaned everything up for his arrival, probabaly dropped to his knees in front of him as well.

I see prophecy being fulfilled on a regular basis but God's return could not be soon enough for me. His will, His time. If He was angered by Sodom and Gomorrah, he must be absolutely livid now.

God Bless.

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💯 % Agree! #Truth

God must be waiting for the perfect time... and we need to keep saving souls so they don't perish with gnashing of teeth and eternal separation from God Himself! 🙌

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I think about this every day. I couldn’t have said it better. That’s exactly what’s going to happen. You do the work for Satan, you pay the price…💯🎯

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Thanks for all the interest and support.

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This is so important to so many in our US who have been murdered by hospitals... millions who were cheated out of the very lives of their own children. And parents. And grandparents. Especially the elderly and the disabled... sO sAd! 😞 ❤️

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Great news!

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Wow! This is what we need! So many people died or were harmed, not by administration of the desired inoculation but of the withholding of other drugs that could treat their symptoms. May all these institutions and individuals be charged, indicted, and convicted for these crimes against humanity.

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We HOPE that LAWYERS GROW A SPINE and represent @RebeccaCharles ALREADY. They've been hiding behind the PREP Act and now they have NO EXCUSE! Who is going to represent Rebecca Charles Jackson vs Northwell Health et al ~ ALL 42 MD/RN/PA.

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I've been waiting for the first domino to fall. It has to start at the lowest possible level. When the first conviction is hammered through we will see an avalanch that needs to keep its momentum until the likes of Gebreyesus, Bourla and Fauci get their just deserts.

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💯 they need to be shut down!. We need a better medical system 🙏 one that takes cares of their patients!

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There is an unreported "willful misconduct" exception to immunity in the 2005 PREP ACT.

"(c) DEFINITION OF WILLFUL MISCONDUCT.— ‘‘(1) DEFINITION.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Except as the meaning of such term is further restricted pursuant to paragraph (2), the term ‘willful misconduct’ shall, for purposes of subsection (d),denote an act or omission that is taken—

‘‘(i) intentionally to achieve a wrongful purpose;

‘‘(ii) knowingly without legal or factual justification; and

‘‘(iii) in disregard of a known or obvious risk that is so great as to make it highly probable that the

harm will outweigh the benefit


‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subsection (f), the sole exception to the immunity from suit and liability of covered persons set forth in subsection (a) shall be for an exclusive Federal cause of action against a covered person for death or serious physical injury proximately caused by willful misconduct, as defined pursuant to subsection (c), by such covered person. For purposes of section 2679(b)(2)(B) of title 28, United States Code, such a cause of action is not an action brought for violation of a statute of the United States under which an action against an individual is otherwise authorized.

‘‘(2) PERSONS WHO CAN SUE.—An action under this subsection may be brought for wrongful death or serious physical injury by any person who suffers such injury or by any representative of such a person.


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Willful misconduct is such a bovine fecal matter term in this case. Nobody in their right mind at Nürnberg would have accused Joseph Mengele of willful misconduct. Everyone from Fauci down to the nurses who administered the deadly protocols, and denied the patients truely safe and effective medicines are serial killers just like him.

Is anyone now in doubt why Milgram performed his infamous experiment some seventy years ago? The majority of medical personell walked right into that one.

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Oh I know, it's so pathetic to have to point out that mass-scale, intentional murder is "willful misconduct."

Joseph Mengele was captured by the US Army, released, and set up what was named the MK Ultra program later. He died in Argentina, along with Adolph Hitler.

And Milgram surely could have improved his results if he had infinite money to bribe his subjects with instead of just saying "Science Says."

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"He died in Argentina, along with Adolph Hitler."

...., and Adolph Eichmann. I saw the movie about the latter last week. He was about to publish his diary which would make the 6.000.000 fairytale look like a tea strainer. He wrote that they would have needed hundreds more locomotives, train cars and there was no 2nd rail for returning empty cars. The Zionists HAD TO eliminate him. The movie covered none of this, of course.

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Mossad went to Argentina and got Eichmann though. They left most of the rest of them alone.

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Exactly! He had to be neutralized, or it would have been common knowledge that the Holocaust™ was logistically impossible. He spelled that out in great detail through correspondence, and now you do hard time in several European countries for even questioning said event. The patients have definately taken over the insane asylum.

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Not my take. The Holocaust was very real, and some in Mossad genuinely hated the Nazis. They were limited in who they could take revenge on. As far as the logistics, the US deliberately avoided targeting the logistics with bombings. They avoided bombing the train rails leading to Auschwitz, for instance. Anyone who says that Germany could obviously conduct war on such a large scale, but not round up Jews and send them to death camps because of "logistics" has a fucked up agenda in my opinion. Eichmann, case in point.

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God is the only LAWGIVER! 🙇‍♀️⚡☝️

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Great reference, thank you! Unbelievable that THEY KNEW THAT HOSPITALS AND HOSPICES WOULD KILL ~ and then TRY TO GET AWAY WITH IT!

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Keep up the great reporting Andrea. I just cross-posted it and subscribed.

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Andrea is on top of many Constitutional issues and we so much appreciate her insight and wisdom.

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"Scott Mantel alleges, with particularity, that South Nassau “acted wrongfully and negligently, by repeatedly refusing to administer ivermectin to Deborah Bucko. "

The board of trustees should be held accountable in a court of law, and sentenced to spend the remaindure of their natural life in a maximum security prison. Sentencing them to death is too lenient.

What they did was wrongful, yes. However I can't see where they were negligent. They knew damn well what they were doing, and how many times did they do this. Hundreds? Thousands, maybe?

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The Mount Sinai system is where Pierre Kory worked, at Mount Sinai Beth Israel. He testified to Congress that all his patients were dying, and told them he was using ventilators. He's also said he was acting as an advisor to a major health system in New York, which I believe was Mount Sinai.

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... and he never mentions hospital killing protocols!

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They knew. And it wasn't just the doctors, nurses, and administrators. It was the hospital CEOs/CFOs/COOs/Chiefs of Staff/Chiefs of Departments/ ... and so many more. Millions were complicit.

What do they deserve? Arrest.

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South Nassau decided to step in as

Judge, Jury, and Executioner!

Simply disgusting!!

Yes, the remainder of their sorry lives with no chance of parole, hopefully with HARD LABOR!

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FINALLY, a just precedent has been set!!! Wonderful news for the multitude of COVID-19 victims. I hope hospital administrators across the country are left shaking in their boots after this ruling.

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Use the horse type the Satanic scum are now adding nanotechnology into ivermectin now that they admit it cures their biological weapon covid https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7724756/

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January and May, 2021. By then, we knew so much. Once Omicron hit, we knew that ivermectin wasn't necessarily going to be enough. We added hydroxychloroquine.

If you don't have ivermectin, use Nigella Sativa. If you don't have hydroxychloroquine, use medical grade quercetin, doxycycline, ECGC, or green tea.


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Immunity doesn’t work when the drug was developed under false pretenses . Time to prove them wrong. Time to take each case to court under the wrongful death


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Maybe there's hope ..

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God’s Amazing Grace!

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