The Scary Kamala Harris Tim Walz Transformative Progressive Socialist Inspired Ticket
Their background with progressive socialist organizations who wish to destroy our country becomes more apparent.
As my research delves into the background of the Harris Walz Presidential ticket, it becomes more apparent their background with progressive socialist organizations who wish to destroy our country becomes more clear.
Governor Tim Walz got his early start in politics with a training program 'Boot Camp' provided by the Wellstone Action Fund when he was a teacher. The boot camp Walz attended was designed to teach aspiring progressive leaders in Minnesota for potential future elected positions. The year after he completed the program, Governor Tim Walz became Camp Wellstone’s first successful alum at the federal level when he was first elected to Congress and his subsequent six consecutive terms.
Per Influence Watch "Wellstone Action was created to continue the political work of late Progressive Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone (D) and his wife, Sheila. Considered a torchbearer of the “Progressive” movement, Senator Wellstone, along with his wife and daughter, died in a plane crash on October 25, 2002." The Wellstone Action Fund grew and branched out providing training programing seminars in different states across the United States. The Wellstone Fund eventually morphed into the RePower Fund.
The mission of RePower is advancing radical political ideals in public policy. It works to achieve that mission through a means of advocacy, recruitment, and training individuals to become political candidates and operatives. The group is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit. The
(formerly the Wellstone Action Fund) is the 501(c)(3) nonprofit affiliate of RePower. "In 2016 alone the organization conducted 96 trainings throughout the country, including almost 5,300 people who received training including Tim Walz before he assumed his first elected position.
Large-scale social change has only ever been achieved through the efforts of social justice movements, organizations and organizing formations as “social justice movements” and the leaders within them. To realize a liberated, multiracial democracy that is free from white supremacy and patriarchy, progressive social justice movements, organizations and organizing formations must prevail in their respective endeavors to rebalance power for Black, Indigenous, Native, Latine, Asian, Arab, Pacific Islander and other marginalized people.
The RePower Fund strategic planning process identifies the major and top priority of the organization and aims to destroy the oppressive white supremacy patriarchal system of governance as stated in their annual financial report "North Star is clear and unapologetic: a liberated, multi-racial democracy, free from the oppressive systems of white supremacy and patriarchy."
The RePower Fund believes "White supremacy and patriarchy have arranged the functioning of our society around the values of competition, individualism, and scarcity as a means to facilitate the continued hoarding of power and wealth by white cis men," and the oppression produced by a white supremacist and patriarchal system.
If white supremacy and patriarchy are sustained on anti-Blackness and the values of individualism, competition, and scarcity, they must be dismantled with the converse of these values: strategies and tactics for building and wielding power that are pro-Black and grounded in the values of community, collective action, and abundance. RePower calls this response “liberatory organizing.”
The theory of change outlines how they believe the causal logic works, articulating the outcomes to directly influence and the logical outcomes to follow.
Specifically, RePower believes that
• Women of color and trans and gender-expansive people of color build a community of co-conspirators who are deeply aligned in their knowledge of and skills in liberatory organizing,
• Co-conspirators put the theories of liberatory organizing into action within their organizations and formations, and
• Co-conspirators are honored and respected as their whole selves, and can access the support they need to sustain them in their leadership
… AND IF this happens at scale
… THEN a critical mass of co-conspirators will catalyze a broad-based shift from traditional to liberatory organizing…
… AND THEN the ideology and practice of liberatory organizing will become the “new normal” among social justice movements and their leaders… the North Star Desired Change Emergence of a multiracial democracy, liberated from the oppressive systems of white supremacy and patriarchy. More women-and-gender-expansive-people of color are practicing liberatory organizing and catalyzing a shift away from traditional organizing.
The RePower Fund aims to train critical mass of social justice warriors, and their leaders, who embody the ideology and practice of liberatory organizing.
RePower programming seminars are focussed on activating the next generation of movement leaders and organizations who share RePower's north star, tailored to the context of their organizing work.
The program model describes how the RePower Fund will target leaders and organizations. It is depicted as a funnel to indicate (i) that tailor the needs of leaders and organizations at different stages in their engagement with liberatory organizing, (ii) maintain relationships with these leaders across the program offerings as they deepen their engagement with liberatory organizing, and (iii) support a high-volume pipeline of leaders through the funnel of engagement in order to produce targeted critical mass of co-conspirators of liberatory organizing.
The "SUPERPOWER" leadership training delivers transformative capacity building and leadership development programming, specifically for women of color and trans and gender-expansive people of color. "This power flows from our approach to the spaces we create, our pedagogy, and our curriculum, which, by delivering a personally transformative experience, helps participants unlearn old mindsets and habits and learn the mindsets and habits of liberatory organizing."
The RePower Fund also partners with a national network of youth climate social justice warrior organizations. Under this strategic goal, they focus on collaborating with partners in youth climate justice alliances to move in the direction of championing climate justice for all.
The Repower Fund partnered with
to train nearly 1000 participants across 7 unique training series geared toward developing new youth organizers in the fight for climate justice in 2021. Future Coalition partnered with the Youth Climate Finance Alliance to organize big banks to stop funding the 'Fossil Fuel' industry.
Wins of 2021 Partnership with Future Coalition Includes;
21 youth-led actions targeting Chase Banks;
11 Federal Reserve actions;
2 BlackRock actions;
2 university divestment actions;
1 Vanguard action;
2 solidarity actions; and
Secured meeting with Chase executives
In addition to on-the-ground actions, digital campaigning resulted in 113 phone calls and 1,775 emails to Chase executives demanding a Fossil Free Future.
The RePower Fund 2022 annual financial report outlines their partnership with Run for Something Action (RFSA) to launch a County Clerk candidate campaign management program for eight candidates in Denver and Texas who were in the midst of active campaigns to seek the role of Election Administrators during the 2022 midterm elections. RFSA sought out a partnership with the RePower Fund to train their Democracy Defenders candidates on effective campaign management, digital security, VAN, and fundraising. VAN partnered with the Boston Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Advancement (MOIA) to train 15 immigrant residents of the city in grassroots organizing, as part of their “Immigrants Lead Boston” (ILB) program. The RFSA held four weekly sessions with eight weeks of coaching hours to support the candidacy for local municipalities. The project addresses the need to understand and navigate courts at the state level as key decision-makers in the collective fight to win racial, gender and reproductive justice to achieve the long-term vision of building a multi- racial democracy free from white supremacy, patriarchy and other systems of oppression.
In response to the Dobbs v Jackson decision, the RePower Fund quickly mobilized to provide people with the tools and space they needed. They hosted three free webinars: The Battle for Abortion Access in State Courts, Building State Power in these Times, and Digital Safety in a Post-Roe World. The RePower Fund also provided free resources for grassroots folks on the ground providing a State Court's Action CheckList, and a Resource Guide and Digital Safety Resource Guide.
VAN/EveryAction Administration Training Program
The VAN training program focuses on the core skills and decision-making practices necessary to manage voter data for an issue or legislative campaign. Attendees learn how to use the Voter Activation Network (VAN) to build lists, cut turf, build counts and crosstab reports and more. VAN requests organizations to pay for the training. A message from the website states;
*We believe people with more wealth, privilege, and access to money—and who benefit from systems of oppression—should pay more. If you work at an organization with more than 60 employees, please ask your employer to cover the full cost of this training. If there’s anything that would help you make the request, please let us know."
Funding for the Wellstone Action Fund comes from the most radical far left groups including the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the George Soros Foundation to Promote Open Society, and the Ford Foundation. The 2022 RePower Fund expects 70% of revenue growth to come from foundations—in the form of both restricted project work and unrestricted grants.
Former leadership of the Wellstone Action board of directors includes Sara Beth Mueller who served as the group’s interim executive director. Mueller, prior to her employment at Wellstone Action, was the Director of Communications at Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota. Ms. Mueller is currently the Global Director, People, Finance, and Operations at Centre for Public Impact.
Nearly 20 years have transpired since former President Barack Obama emerged onto the national stage promising a fundamental transformation of America. It appears the activist groups, financing and the cultivation of our next transformative leaders has emerged onto the Democrat Party's Presidential candidate ticket. The Kamala Walz socialist progressive Presidential ticket will complete the destructive transformation of American. It's imperative the Harris Walz ticket gets defeated in November, I fear this is our last chance to save our republic.